To plan systim speakers, very important that we understand graphics audio responses: the frequency of decibel / spl, against impedanse frequency, phase, etc.. We can not describe the shape of a sound, but we can describe the response terhadapfaktor-specific factors such as against decibels. From the graph impedance against frequency can be seen that none of all the woofer that has a fixed impedance at the frequency of each term. Impedance has a peak at a frequency of 35 Hz where sbesar 20 ohm impedance. At the peak point is known as Fs (resonance frequency measured in air-free speaker) with the understanding at this frequency speaker (woofer) began to resonate the magnetic field speakers (woofer) began to lose control of the movement of voice coil / cone. Similarly, in point of frequency of 1500 Hz, which is a 6.5 ohm impedance, the higher the frequency the higher the impedance. It's normal for each speaker (woofer) for voice coil inductance, because the electronic theory, each coil wire-core good or not in addition to having a DC resistance also has inductance.